Powerful Transformation from Grief and Depression to Bubbling Joy with Energy Healing

One remarkably common transformation happens with most of my clients…

They feel a bubbling joy they haven’t experienced in years (if ever.) And it happens surprisingly quickly…

When you want to stop just going through the motions and boldly pursue things that are important to you, you must first release the pain that is lodged, and hidden away in your body keeping you trapped. Cuckoo alert 😂

I’m sure you might be wondering how on earth the pain held in your body could be stopping you from taking steps towards things that matter the most to you…it might even sound a little cuckoo!

Side note -> Below is a link to a Powerful (FREE!) Grief Release Energy Healing Class

Here’s the thing…I’ve worked with over 500 clients who will tell you that when they shifted from talking about their grief or depression to identifying and releasing the hidden (and harmful) patterns in their body holding the pain, they not only felt better, they had more energy and clarity to actually do things that brought them immense joy and satisfaction.

Because here’s the kicker—your mind has been conditioned to avoid the part of your body holding onto this pain (because, let’s face it, who enjoys pain?). So, this isn’t something you can simply talk your way through or just shift your mindset around.

And holy moly watch out…once you remove the source of the pain directly from the body, these harmful patterns of avoidance stop wreaking havoc on your life and you can actually reach your goals and achieve your dreams.

In my experience there are 5 crucial parts to releasing the master boundaries held within the body so I created and use my 5-Part Tranquility Process™ during energy healing sessions. So you and others can get results like this:

From SJ – CEO IT Consulting: For many of us, we carry along so much emotional baggage, and we struggle to keep it all in. Johnlyn will help relieve you of that burden and show you that you do not have to carry it around every day, dragging down all you want to do. She challenged me when I needed it most. I can honestly say I have felt both physical and emotional pain drop at the first session. Not free of pain, but noticeably less.

So what does any of this have to do with chronic anxiety and depression?

Because experts have labelled anxiety and depression as mental health issues, when in reality the real source is trapped energy or emotions held in your body that your mind can’t even see.

And it’s so unfair because chronic anxiety and depression stops you in your tracks from doing things that matter the most to you.

Energy healing, in many cases, can help you feel almost instant relief.

In this Powerful (FREE!) Grief Release Healing Class you can release old grief you don’t even know about, feel more alive, and more like yourself…NOW!


When you watch the video, you’ll be releasing deep-seated grief hidden in your body — and in only 35 minutes, you’ll probably start to feel lighter and more hopeful about the future.

And if you’re wondering how it can happen so quickly; it’s because energy healing releases the actual source of your pain.

Instead of just endlessly talking about unpleasant feelings…

…or desperately finding something to be grateful for — you’ll release the actual source of your pain.

And then after you release the trapped energy or emotions, you can then boldly pursue what matters most to you…igniting joy and vitality in your life!

You can experience energy healing using my 5-Part Tranquility Process™ locally in Las Cruces, NM inside Sonoma Stretch here-> In Person

Or online→ Via Zoom

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