This Is Why Accomplishing Your Biggest Goals Might Require Some Energy Healing

This stuff goes deep.

Forget the motivational speaker mentality.

This goes much deeper.

Trust me, it makes a lot of sense.

Every day I meet with clients who have incredible, world-changing dreams, but they just can’t seem to make progress. And I totally get it. There are a bunch of reasons people (even the highly motivated type) struggle to accomplish the goals that are so important to them. 

Why you’re getting stuck

One of the biggies: The idea of following their heart and making a career change, launching a product, or writing a book freaks them out to the point that they don’t even want to try. Despite daydreaming about all the things that could come with that accomplishment, the idea seems so far-fetched that they shrug it off before getting started.

Another common way I see my clients self-sabotage is by finding reasons not to go after their goals now. They might say things like, “It’s not a good time,” or “Once I get this other part of my life settled, then I’ll be ready to start it.” That mindset puts the endeavor at an arm’s length, just far enough out of reach that you can put it off for years…or forever. 

But it’s not just my clients who haven’t gotten started yet that struggle. Oftentimes I’ll work with someone who’s in the middle of working on an amazing concept, but they always feel distracted. One client writing a book might go to the gym, do some laundry, and get caught up doing things around the house instead of writing. Sure, this sounds like run-of-the-mill procrastination, but when the thing you’re procrastinating is a goal or project close to your heart, there’s likely something deeper going on. 

Even when my clients are in the thick of achieving their goals, putting in the work it takes to get their ideas out into the world, they often turn to coping mechanisms when it gets rough. A lot of the time, those coping mechanisms don’t make the work easier, in fact, they likely get in the way. 

Why hustle culture makes us feel worse

Chances are, you can relate to almost any of those scenarios. If you’re like most of the people I work with, you’ve likely sought out tricks and tips to get more done. Maybe you even learned a hack or two. Still, I find that a lot of the messaging from motivational speakers, business coaches, or even society at large paralyzes us further.

For example, one of the most common phrases I hear in the coaching space is, “You just don’t want it bad enough.” No offense to anyone who truly believes that, but this idea is bananas. 

Of course, we want this goal bad enough! We likely want it so bad that the idea of going after it triggers emotional and physical reactions. In my experience, those responses can be especially strong if you’ve been taught that it’s not OK to focus on yourself and a better life, money, or attention. 

In that case, setting out to do something big can be a huge moral dilemma, consciously or not. You want it badly, but you’re also dealing with the part of you that was taught to be happy with what you have. In that case, you might think this project is greedy or selfish. You might shame yourself for even dreaming up this goal. 

Similarly, I often hear that setting aside a specific amount of time to work on our big idea gets it done. I mean, this makes sense in theory. But anyone who’s tried this strategy and failed will tell you that making the time isn’t the only problem. To be successful, you have to work in ways that get you closer to the goal. And if you have unhelpful internalized beliefs, like the one I explained above, it’s still easy to self-sabotage whether you know you’re doing it or not. 

Another one you might’ve heard: It’s mind over matter. Sure, a mindset shift can be helpful, but thinking differently can only go so far when your belief system is working against you. Which brings me to…

How energy healing can get to the root of your struggles

Listen, it’s not like everyone will face these problems. However, in my experience working with high-achieving clients, when you’re going after something heartfelt, when the stakes are high, when the goal is really important, that’s when the thing we want the most can become the thing we avoid the most. 

When you find that you’re getting in your own way, energy healing can be more powerful than any mindset trick. That’s because it gets to the root of the problem, helping you face the emotions this project or dream brings up. 

As an energy healer, I work with clients to pinpoint and release decades of emotions held in their body, ones that can feel impossible for them to address on their own. I also teach them how to move through tough emotions as they come up, so they can handle any emotional stress that comes up as they continue to defy the old limiting belief systems.

Whether you’re struggling to complete the important project you’ve been working on for a while or haven’t taken your dream seriously yet, you’re in the perfect place to start healing old wounds and unhelpful thought patterns that are keeping you from getting what you want and deserve. I’d love to work with you.

You are worthy of attention, love, money, and any other byproduct of going after your goals. Together, we can heal those outdated messages that got you stuck in the first place. 

Experience a Breakthrough Energy Healing Session

Using my 5-Part Tranquility Process™, you’ll experience targeted energy healing session that will gently guide you and support you into embracing your unique, full potential… currently waiting to be released.

So you can actually speak up emphatically for what you believe in, take actions to achieve your dreams, and reach your goals.

It’s an immensely important step towards creating a life where you feel good and more alive!

Locally in Las Cruces, NM inside Sonoma Stretch here-> In Person

Or online→ Via Zoom

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