How Energetic Boundaries Can Help You Survive Time with Your Family

Have you ever experienced a family gathering where it feels like everyone starts ganging up on you…discussing your shortcomings or mocking the things that interest you?

And when you speak up about the issue, you may get a response like “don’t be so sensitive, we’re just joking.” 

Or maybe even worse, “don’t be so emotional!”

Pretty soon you notice your own defensiveness kick into high gear and reply with some of your own snarkiness.

Or experience a shrinking feeling or even a complete shutdown. 

And you’re left wondering why this always seems to happen…trying to convince yourself that it doesn’t matter anyway.

I’m guessing you barely even recognize yourself in those moments…almost like being a shell of yourself and feeling like a pile of 💩.

And you probably find yourself relapsing into old habits you swore you were done with.


I bet you’ve tried things people commonly suggest when you feel down

👉 Finding something to be grateful for.

👉 Serving others.

👉 Avoiding family gatherings.

👉 Starting your own new traditions.

But the guilt, off feeling, anxiety, depression, or loneliness doesn’t go away. 

In fact, it seems to have gotten worse over time where even thinking of the next family gathering triggers you.

And if any of this sounds like you, you are in good hands! 

Energetic Boundaries to the Rescue!

I’ve helped over 500 clients to honor their boundaries naturally so they can stand up to their family without being triggered and experience more love and happiness.

If you want support for the next family gathering, just watch the short 10 minute video with some simple and relaxing tips that have worked wonders for my clients to honor their boundaries and stop falling back into their coping skills they swore they were done with.

Because when you have energetic boundaries in place, you will likely not only get through the next family gathering…you can also experience long term relief so you don’t dread the next one.

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