Grounding Can Be One of the Worst Things You Can Do for Anxiety & Depression

I totally get why you would try grounding techniques because it’s popular opinion and experts recommend it.

However…if you are calm on the outside and it’s 💩 show on the inside then the temporary relief you feel when grounding isn’t helping to solve anxiety and depression long term.

More than likely you will experience the 💩 show on the inside as problems in your life like:

👉 Chronic physical issues like: IBS, skin, back, throat/PND/sinus, headaches, exhaustion etc.

👉 Flying off the handle with your kids or loved ones several times a week…something you never envisioned would happen.

👉 Shutting down because you can’t think straight and you can’t move forward with projects that are important to you.

👉 Playing video games or on social media not just for fun anymore but as a way to avoid.

Keeping you stuck in a cycle with no hope of getting out of it.

Instead, I recommend starting off with cleansing and clearing, especially if you hold beliefs like anger is bad or wrong or you have to work yourself to death to be a good person. When you use grounding techniques a lot of emotions can come up in your body that can add to the turmoil that is already there.

And when you clear and cleanse you are addressing the existing turmoil first, then you can experience almost instant relief and start the healing process.

Just follow the steps in the video at 1:22 for a quick and easy Selenite Cleansing Process!

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