
I’m so excited to share the book The 5 Personality Patterns written by best-selling author Steven Kessler. 

Because it literally changed my life (and my clients’ lives which I will share below!) 

It allowed me to offer compassion to myself in a way I had been unable to before. To understand that when I am stressed to the gills (until I heal the core issues,) I fall into a pattern to cope with the stress.

That how I react in situations is an indicator of healing that is needed…not a reflection of my innate character.

The book allowed me to see that others fall into patterns as well and taught me how to communicate effectively with others. And to recognize that inside each of us there is a voice that criticizes us when we do something that has been labelled “wrong.”

The inner critic.

But the voice of the inner critic is not your own voice. It is only the voice of the people who raised you. You may *know* the voice or it may not be a voice, just a feeling.

The voice devalues you.

This “voice” is not a fan of inner work or change.

During a client session recently, L.T. felt safe enough during our session to face the financial issues she was having. For a few moments, L.T. experienced the leaving pattern where she felt brain fog, dizzy, floaty, and no longer present in her body (no wonder she was avoiding this certain issue in her life!)

And she experienced those short term symptoms so that she could release the deep-seated patterns holding her captive. 

Imagine the problems that all of that stress held in her body was causing!

The focus of the breakthrough energy healing session was dealing with the financial issues she was experiencing. Prior to the session she believed that the religious upbringing she had had, didn’t influence her.

It was quite shocking to her when she started reciting Bible verses about money during the session, at the same time she experienced the symptoms of the leaving pattern.

Indicating she was very much affected by religion as a child. 

Even though in her adult mind she was unaware of it.

Addressing the deep-seated pattern in her body allows her to see the pattern she can fall into and face it directly.

So instead of getting defensive about financial situations or beating herself up, she can offer herself compassion.

After the session, she is now making different, empowering choices around money that allows her to get out of a financial bind so she feels secure again.

Here’s the affiliate link where I earn a small commission if you buy the book using this link:

The 5 Personality Patterns: Your Guide to Understanding Yourself and Others and Developing Emotional Maturity by Steven Kessler

☀️ Now is your time to shine!

Creator of the 5-part Tranquility Process™
Spiritual Energy Healer & Empowerment Coach
Inside Sonoma Stretch in Las Cruces, NM

P.S. This is THE book to buy if you struggle with people who fall into the aggressive pattern or if you have a difficult time offering yourself compassion when you lose your cool. It explains everything so clearly! Here’s the book:

The 5 Personality Patterns: Your Guide to Understanding Yourself and Others and Developing Emotional Maturity by Steven Kessler

FYI It’s an affiliate link where I earn a small commission if you buy the book using that link!

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