You’re Doing Boundaries Wrong

And Here's Why and What To Do Instead

I hear a lot of therapists, healers, lifestyle experts, or life coaches encouraging us to set boundaries—and they make it sound so easy.

And, sure, in theory, setting boundaries with others is a big deal and can help you take better care of yourself. The problem is, you can’t just throw up some boundaries and call it a day.

I mean, you could try, but for most of us (in my opinion, all of us) the guilt, shame, pain, and other hard emotions triggered by setting those boundaries can be so uncomfortable that you just revert to your old ways.

Then you feel awful about being bad at boundaries and trying to set them in the first place.

Watch the video for 1 simple shift you can make so you don’t give up on setting the boundaries that will help you reach your goals and laugh more every day.

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