Testimonial ~ Restored Hope

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As you watch the video testimony from Taylor Sauceda regarding the services we offer at Reveal the Heart, I encourage you to listen with an open heart and open mind.
Physical issues we experience in our body can be due to the stress of old issues being held in the body. Of course, see your medical practitioner but please don’t stop there!
Take a holistic approach…everything is connected! Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects must all be addressed if we want to be a healthy person.
We get really quick results when we stop assuming that breathing issues must mean there is something physically wrong with the body. And instead start to see the whole person, to realize that the issue could be anything and just happens to be affecting the person’s breathing.
๐Ÿงก Thank you Taylor for being willing to share your story. It will make the difference for many people!!!
If you need an infusion to restore hope and feel like you are thriving, please join us for a day of self-care, nurturing and fun that will provide long term relief. Taylor will be providing us with a bit of entertainment that day…if you haven’t seen her on Instagram, you really need to!
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Choose the date that works for you:

Friday August 19 or Saturday Aug 20

Taylor mentions “mom guilt” as well…if this is impacting your family as it does for so many moms…check out the: THRIVING MOM TOOLKIT

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