The world has changed right before our eyes...
Many feel helpless as they try to maintain these loving relationships and give advice that doesn't seem to be wanted.
A Spiritual Revival ~
a workshop to recharge your life
When we remember our spiritual and social connections, we feel a deep sense of belonging, worthiness and fulfillment. The trick is, finding the connections that work for YOU. It might be easier at first to identify what isn’t for you, and that’s a perfect place to start. Together we’ll investigate your connections (or lack of them) and claim the path that suits you best.
You're invited! Parents and Young Adults Age 17-24
Join us as we learn how to connect and build a relationship with our Self and whatever our “Something Greater” is (God, Universe, Spirit, Community, a feeling, etc.)
Sundays 4:00-6:30PM July 17, 31 & August 7, 14
Holiday Inn Express Conference Room
2142 Telshor Court, Las Cruces, NM
Parents and Young Adults Age 17-24
revive (v.)
early 15c., reviven, “regain consciousness; recover health,” also transitive, “restore (someone) to health, revive (someone or something),” from Old French revivre (10c.) and directly from Latin revivere “to live again,” from re- “again” (see re-) + vivere “to live” (from PIE root *gwei- “to live”).