It’s OK to Write Some People Off as Bad Eggs

Honestly, it might even be healthier for your mental and emotional state.

If you are struggling in relationships at home or at work…this might be just what you need to hear!

It doesn’t matter why some people are bad eggs…the most important part is that you see them for who they actually are being…not who you want them to be.

If this is hard for you to imagine…I’m guessing you might hate to say anything negative about someone.

I had a client who was trying to save her marriage. So, as people suggested, she would write a list of good things about her husband every day.

By the end, the only good thing she could find, was that he had nice fingernails.

In fact, when she came to me she said “I hate to say anything bad about anybody, but I think he might have been a psychopath. Or a narcissist.

What I do know, she continued…

Is how sick I got when I was with him and how I was in pain all the time when I was with him. And once I left, I started feeling better.”

So…there really are some bad eggs.

And there is no reason to judge the person, that doesn’t matter.

What matters is do you want more of that treatment or less of that treatment?

If more, just stay with them.

If less, find a way to escape (hello, energy healing!)

So you can be in a healthier environment for your own Self.

And then you can flourish in this world!

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