Online ~ Free Healing
Hope through Healing Throat Issues
Now is the time.
You are on a mission (even if you aren’t clear what that mission is yet) and are ready to take empowered action steps towards your truest heart’s desires. Yet every time you try to take a step forward it feels like something is holding you back!
You may have experienced the frustration and embarrassment of freezing, literally not being able to get your words out. Or even becoming fake when it comes to speaking your truth…ever noticed your voice raising and octave or two when your fakeness kicks in?!?
You wake up in the middle of the night ruminating over the stupid thing you said.
Or worse…you keep silent for far too long and when you finally speak up, to your horror you lose your cool and blow up at the person!
In order to manifest your truest heart’s desires, you must be able to show up authentically and speak directly from the heart.
Join the FaceBook group here -> Hope through Healing Throat Issues